


Refer to configuration file for how to configure Scytale.

Connecting to Petasos

To provide the Petasoses that Scytale should connect to, the fanout block in Scytale's configuration should look similar to the example below:

  endpoints: [ "https://PETASOS_HOSTNAME:PRIMARY_PORT/api/v2/device/send" ]
  authorization: dXNlcjpwYXNz
  fanoutTimeout: "127s"
  clientTimeout: "127s"
  concurrency: 10

Where PETASOS_HOSTNAME is your Petasos DNS record, docker container, or ip address listening on the PRIMARY_PORT.

NOTE: if you have domain or host certificates available, we recommend always running the service (and all components in the service) in https mode.

NOTE: dXNlcjpwYXNz is an example auth string for Petasos. DO NOT use this in production.


Test Health

$ curl -i localhost:6301/health
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
X-Scytale-Build: development
X-Scytale-Flavor: development
X-Scytale-Region: local
X-Scytale-Server: localhost
X-Scytale-Start-Time: 26 Aug 19 18:43 UTC
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2019 19:45:37 GMT
Content-Length: 427
Connection: close


Test Device

Connect a device to Talaria, described here.

curl -i -H "Authorization: Basic AUTHOKEN" HOSTNAME:PRIMARY_PORT/api/v2/device/DEVICE_ID/stat

Where HOSTNAME is your DNS record, docker container, or ip address listening on the PRIMARY_PORT. Where AUTHOKEN is the authHeader in the yaml configuration file. Where DEVICE_ID is the device that is connected to Talaria.

$ curl -i -H "Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNz" localhost:6300/api/v2/device/mac:112233445566/stat
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 233
Content-Type: application/json
X-Scytale-Build: development
X-Scytale-Flavor: development
X-Scytale-Region: local
X-Scytale-Server: localhost
X-Scytale-Start-Time: 26 Aug 19 18:43 UTC
X-Talaria-Build: development
X-Talaria-Flavor: development
X-Talaria-Region: local
X-Talaria-Server: localhost
X-Talaria-Start-Time: 26 Aug 19 18:43 UTC
X-Xmidt-Span: "http://petasos:6400/api/v2/device/mac:112233445566/stat","2019-08-26T19:52:10Z","4.640508ms"
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2019 19:52:10 GMT

{"id": "mac:112233445566", "pending": 0, "statistics": {"bytesSent": 0, "messagesSent": 0, "bytesReceived": 0, "messagesReceived": 0, "duplications": 0, "connectedAt": "2019-08-26T18:43:57.666272023Z", "upTime": "1h8m12.684567688s"}}


The most common error is getting a 404, meaning the device is not connected to the cluster.


Scytale is up and running now; let's stand up tr1d1um.

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